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Mini Egg Rocky Road

Cupboards still full of leftover Easter Eggs? This recipe utilises the remaining sweet treats leftover by the holiday into a desert, or a nibble, that'll satisfy everyone. The best thing about this is that the microwave and the fridge do all the work so you don't have to.

This recipe is very customisable so you can basically use anything in this quick treat.

Mini Egg Rocky Road

Step 1

Break up the three bars of Mini Eggs and put them in a glass measuring jug. Melt them in the microwave for short blasts - trying not to overheat the chocolate.

Step 2

Once melted, add the chocolate to a mixing bowl that already has a suitable amount of corn flakes in it. This is where you can customise your Rocky Road. We added Mini Eggs, Marshmallows and a few Creme Eggs. Give the mixture a stir until combined.

Step 3

Spoon the mixture onto an oven tray or instead, you can spoon the mixture into cupcake cases. Melt the white chocolate and either pipe or drizzle it onto the mixture. Make room in the fridge and place it on a shelf to set for around two to three hours.

Step 4

Once set, carefully cut the Rocky Road into squares - you should get roughly around 16 squares. Keep refridgerated for best use.


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