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Students share their love for the hidden gem of the kitchen

It may take a while to cook, but at least you're not standing around waiting for it to be finally ready. Slow cookers are a life-saver, especially for students, and that's why they love them.

Slow cookers are relatively cheap to buy, economical to use and they're great of making use of everyday budget items. Not to mention the fact that they are easy to use is just one of the many reasons as to why so many people, including students, let the slow cooker do all the work.

Cooking the meal in a single pot reduces water waste resulting from cleaning multiple dishes, from which many students hate about cooking.

Studying Food Nutrition and Education at Perth College, Jennifer Purdie has had a passion for cooking for a very long time. After being brought up on home-cooked food, Jennifer now cooks nearly every single day as comes"second nature" to her.

Jennifer's favourite meal to cook recently is stew and that's cooked in her brand-new slow cooker that she got for Christmas.

As explained by Jennifer, slow cookers are very practical and one of the most popular uses for them is to make soup. Soup is a very simple dish to make and only uses a few ingredients, mainly vegetables, and it can be left for hours for the mixture to be cooked.

Digital Media and Interaction Design student Rachel Alsop struggles to find the motivation to go food shopping so has been relying on HelloFresh for help. When she's not using the meal kit service, Rachel tends to use her slow cooker and is eyeing up an Air Fryer to add to the collection in the future.

Rachel's favourite dish to make at the moment is Carbonara - a dish she's honed - but it's a meal that's not technically suited to the slow cooker. Instead, there's options to make bolognese and chilli which are favourite's in Ame Robertson's flat.

Fourth Year Business Management student Ame uses her slow cooker nearly all the time. The part-time Account's Assistant said: "Back when I was still living at home, my mum would make great use of her slow cooker - using it a couple of times a week making dinners. She loves to make Chilli and Pulled Pork in it as they are relatively simple recipes."

"Now that I'm not living at home, my boyfriend and I use our slow cooker a good few times a week. Due to my job, and as I work from home, I can chuck in all the ingredients before I start work, check in on it during my lunch break and then once I've finished work, it's ready and dinner is served.

"It's a kitchen appliance that every student should have - it'll transform the way they cook and help mange the time they have"

Ame continued to say: "We love to make all types of food in the slow cooker - from BBQ Sausages to Chilli to Soup to Chicken Curry. We often try to use the slow cooker probably around two to three times a week and because of the capacity, there's a lot of food leftover which we can use later in the week."

When Ame left home, she revealed it was one of the first things herself and her boyfriend saved-up to buy. Ame said: "You can find them everywhere and for an affordable price - the price you pay will make up in the long run for the amount of time and money saved. It's a kitchen appliance that every student should have - it'll transform the way they cook and help manage the time they have."

The slow cooker trend is continuing in the UK and it looks that students are going to be are the front of the queue - eager to get their hands on this appliance.


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